Engine oils


This is a full synthetic motor oil, providing outstanding wear and sludge protection. Thanks to its enhanced frictional properties, it actively contributes to fuel economy.

Product: 16115
Meets OEM Specifications
  • CHRYSLER - MS 6395
  • FIAT - 9.55535-CR1
  • FORD - WSS-M2C945-A
  • FORD - WSS-M2C946-A
  • FORD - WSS-M2C947-A
  • GM - dexos1™ Gen 2
Meets Industry Specifications
  • API - SN Plus
  • API - SN/RC
  • ILSAC - GF-5

This is a full synthetic lubricant based on carefully selected very high quality base oils, providing outstanding wear and sludge protection, even under the most severe driving conditions. Due to its enhanced frictional properties, improved fuel economy is obtained.


This motor oil has been specially designed to meet the latest requirements for most American and Asian passenger cars, SUV's and light vans. Intended for fuel-injected gasoline engines, including turbo-charging and multi-valves.


This state of the art, low-viscosity and high fluidity oil guarantees easy cold start and significantly reduces wear, while at the same time contributing to fuel economy. Advanced additive package ensures engine durability and extends drain interval.

Test Method Unit Average Results
Density at 15°C ASTM D4052 g/ml 0.847
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C ASTM D445 mm²/s 60.3
Kinematic viscosity at 100°C ASTM D445 mm²/s 10.7
Viscosity index ASTM D2270 168
B.N. (HCLO4 method) ASTM D2896 mg KOH/g 8.5
Pour point ASTM D6892 °C -36
CCS viscosity at -30°C ASTM D5293 mPa.s 4500
Sulfated Ash ASTM D874 Mass % 0.94
Flash Point COC ASTM D92 °C 221

We reserve the right to alter the general characteristics of our products in order to let our customers benefit of the latest technical evolutions.


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